A week ago i was able to do a little interview with Mr.Marcus Lefevre .So here is the convo between us -:
Flora Raven: Hello Marcus,Its lovely to be here in the this Lefevre Mansion.How are you today ?
Marcus Lefevre: I`m, as always, very well, thank you.
Flora Raven : Good to hear.So please tell me about yourself ? Like how did you came to know about Second life ? How Was your newbie time in second life ?
Marcus Lefevre : I`ve joined Second Life 2008 in October and it was rather coincidence, as I was looking for a game to play.My 1st time as new resident i was amazed by the kindness of so many who have helped me finding my way here.So I explored as much as I could, went to clubs and cultural places and that fact kept me attracted as well...and the ability to interact with people from all over the world and all cultures
Flora Raven : Oh Yes I joined second life as a game to play also.But Got addicted hahaha.Yes Second life offers almost every real life experience possible and some imaginary possibility.Very correct indeed second life is where every culture comes together and share there knowledgeIYou are a Real Estate king.Does this interest came from Real life or someone else inspired you in secndlife to achieve this ?
Marcus Lefevre : lol... I`m not a king, but a manager only... I´ve no real estate experience in RL... actually it was my friend Medhi Bury who made me joining RGF Estates, cause he was always working there and I didn´t want to miss him... I tend to immerse into my tasks and work and so i became very fast one of the Sr. Estate Managers and a year director of the company, together with Medhi.It was very unspectacular at beginning.lol.I`ve stood hours for hours as receptionist at the office and greeted customers only.I´ve started just as small as everyone i guess.
Flora Raven: I always hear people saying good things about this real life architecture or this architecture but today we are sitting in a place which is one of the wonders of Second Life.Tell us more about it? How long it took ? And Something Not everyone know about this place ?
Marcus Lefevre : Well... yes, it`s a wonder, it`s even, lie I call it, a diamond in Second Life Architecture and Design.I´ve asked Kaya Angel in October last year, whether he`d be willing to build me a custom home, as I love his creations so much. The Angel Manor has become a 2nd home in Second Life for me last year.Not only cause the build but about the overall spirit of the Manor and The Rose Theater it kept my caught there.Anyhow... i did have this sim also, rarely used by anyone.So I asked him whether he`d want to build me my home here as I new he`d build something which is just perfect.I didn´t expect this scale of build though.Although, he told me, he`d build the finest mansion ever seen on the grid.He`s not exaggerated there.
Flora Raven : And What else can be good than use a unused land to make a wonderful mansion.Kaya Angel is very very talented indeed.
Marcus Lefevre: the planning started in October and the build started in December, right after we opened together the West Wing at the Angel Manor, which is contributed by me to the Mnaor and also built by him. The build period took 3 months.One thing most probably do not see are the memorials at the side of the church.We´ve placed there memorials for my died RL partner, one of my 1st SL sons who passed away, one of the RGF Sr. Estate Managers who is not with us anymore and the died RL partner of one of my sons.They are very private memorials, so we`ve not put them to much into focus when we opened the mansion for public.
Flora Raven : May there soul rest in peace and that is very nice gesture to keep them alive in our hearts.Ok so moving on .I have heard (know) you support different kinds of events and Charities.That is very helping of you.Why and what kind of charities and event have you supported in the past and you think you will keep on supporting ?
Marcus Lefevre: I`ve my own foundation, the Lefevre & Hernandoz Foundation, created last year in order to manage my work for the AIDS-Hilfe Essen e.V., a non-profit organiation next door to my RL home, educating about AIDS and supporting HIV-Infected in difficult life situations.The success the foundation reached was greater than I expected and reach into the fashion and model world lately has shown me that there are more trustable charities worth to support.This year I will continue to collect donations for the AIDS-Hilfe, but also we´re going further and support Relay for Life
Flora Raven : Both are very nice organization to support indeed.Second life modeling is trying to help a lot of charities
Marcus Lefevre : I´ve been blown away when i saw how much the model- and fashionindustry support charities but I´ve been always approachable for other charities as well for example in April we`ll support MISS VIRTUAL WORLD 2014, Anjelica Carling, with land for her Japan fair.
Flora Raven : The impact that some charities event in second life does to real life is very very amazing and fascinating
Marcus Lefevre: I believe it is a very strong signal the virtual community of Second Life is sending out to those out there in need of help. " We´re here, this is not a game, we`re here together to help you "
Flora Raven:Very well said and very true said.Speaking of modeling.i also think you are a model as well.How was your modeling experience go ? Are going to pursue it further like Apply for Mr. virtual world etc ?
[13:38] Marcus Lefevre (marcusgay.lefevre): Hehe.I´ve indeed graduated the Miss Virtual World Academy, but I wont go any further than this. I´ve written an essay for the BOSL website, which should get published soon, where I explain my intentions for this journey into the modeling world however.... i do not wish to take anyones job, I´ve my income but i`ll be available for benefit shows under the coordination of Miss Virtual World, BOSL and with Les Garcons.
Flora Raven : Oh ok we are looking forward to that essay.Yes i can understand.And seeing you helping the Mvw in charity shows is really lovely. And i think we are done with this interview.Thank you for your precious time today Marcus it was very very lovely to get to know you more.
BTW The pics that are top on the blog are the ones i took of the handsome and very generous kind Marcus Lefevre(( The reals estate manager who is always fabulous)).I would like to wish Marcus all the success and we hope he keeps helping and supporting amazing events to help Real life Charities.
“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
―Mother Teresa